V O L U M E 0 2 : 2 0 1 2
- Editor's Introduction: The Condition of Music, pp. 1-8
- Peter Dayan, 'Different music, same condition: Hofstadter and Lyotard', pp. 9-26
- Anne Stillman, 'Distraction Fits', pp. 27-67
- Joseph Acquisto, 'On Artistic Form and the Spiritual: Mallarmé, Schönberg and Kandinsky on Poetry, Mystery, and Music', pp. 68-87
- Reuven Tsur, 'Poetry Reading - Rhythmical Performance', pp. 88-111
- Richard Cureton, 'Meter and Metrical Reading in Temporal Poetics', pp. 112-237
- Zoë Skoulding reads Alice Notley
- Rote/Thru: a conversation on collaboration between music and poetry
All articles are in .pdf format, all poetry in .mp3 format: please right-click (or ctrl-click) to download.